понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


Context values, on the other hand, are common to the entire user request or a specific tier. Identify the specific agent that monitored a PMU. The web server counts all browser requests, and the application server counts all requests that are submitted directly to the application server, such as component interfaces or Microsoft Windows workstations running Application Designer. When transferring to the Open PMUs component, the system displays all of the data for the current day's open PMUs for the current host and port and the current system. By clicking this link, you see a list of all the domain monitor timestamps for the current agent's Event Host Resource Status. Set the buffer limit which determines how much data should be collected in the buffer before storing the data in the database. A Process Scheduler server domain agent.

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Oracle's PeopleTools PeopleBook. PeopleTools Performance Monitor - PDF

The Session tab contains the following information. Servlet Requests last minute Indicates the number of requests that were submitted to a particular servlet within the last minute. The reaper program is scheduled to run at least once a day. Active Servlets Active pff are all servlets that are running in the portal web application. Investigate past user complaints. The actual value you set for a particular system should be based on a variety of factors, including: Yes Yes As long as your PeopleSoft application is running against your PeopleSoft database, no further database configuration is required for the Performance Monitor.

Performance Monitor Administration This section discusses Performance Monitor administration and lists the pages used for Performance Monitor administration. Valid monitor servlet URL value.

Oracle's PeopleTools PeopleBook. PeopleTools 8.52: Performance Monitor

If you intend to monitor numerous systems, you can set the default values that you need for a system. This average does not include network latency.

If you are not setting up the Usage Monitor, you may skip the settings. The Process Scheduler Server page displays the most recent performance data that is received from: Configuration of the Performance Monitor The configuration of the Performance Monitor involves enabling the required elements on the monitored system and the monitoring system.

Indicates the most recent time that the system refreshed the page either by loading the page into the browser or as a result of a user clicking the Refresh button. Repeat the previous steps when setting the Buffer Size value to your production value. These events report the usage of machine resources CPU, memory, network, and so on. In addition to errors and warnings, and standard PMUs and events, PMUs with a filter level of Verbose are reported to the monitoring system. When transferring to the Event History component, the system displays all data for the current day's Event Resources Per Process rows for the current agent and the current system.

General PeopleSoft system administration. By default, the Performance Monitor is disabled on a new PeopleSoft installation. A performance trace is not affected by the PMU sample rate. If you enter the ping URLs for the monitored systems in the URL catalog, you can launch the ping test from the monitoring system instead of having to sign on to the monitored system.

Setting Up the Application Server This step applies to: Indicates whether the server process is idle or currently handling a request. An application server domain monitor.

Readers of this PeopleBook are expected to be familiar with the following: Estimates do not include space required for Verbose or Debug agent filter mode. No additional processes or shell commands are run. The standard deviation is a statistic that tells you how tightly all the values that are used to compute the average are clustered around the average. For example, the exact formula may use App 1 but we choose to round up and use App instead.

Estimating Space Requirements for Event Data This section discusses two formulas that are used for estimating event data space requirements in kilobytes. When a PMU starts, the application server agents specify an override timeout that is equal to the Tuxedo service timeout of the domain. The server name is a hyperlink that launches a Peopplebooks Activity secondary peoplebools for that particular server type. On the System Defaults page, set the Buffer Size to

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